Could I be pregnant?

Okay so a few months back I took a plan B pill and it kind of screwed up my cycle and the app I was using was all wacked.  It was saying I was fertile or ovulating During my period.  Not every time did it Happen that way.  So I stopped really paying attention to the app and ended up having sex on a day that it had said I was ovulating.  The 22 of May.  Then again on the 27th.  We used a condon both times.  I got this app just a few days ago and plugged all the data in and it say that I should have started my period yesterday, June 11th.  I didn't start my period but I did spot only a few drops.  The spotting also happened a few days prior to this only when I wiped and only once.  I am experiencing some cramps not severe but I'm stressed out and a little emotional.