Baby Shower

I'm so so so appreciative to my sister in laws for hosting me a baby shower. I've been so excited about it and celebrating this new bundle of joy. They called it a "Sprinkle" since it's my second child (both girls) and wanted to just celebrate a new life and help us get diapers, wipes, and other small stuff that doesn't get reused. Today was my sprinkle and I'm so disappointed... We sent out at least 15 invitations (all had more than one name on the envelope except maybe 5) and there were only 10 people there including me and the hosts. 😕😢 I'm truly grateful (and beyond blessed) for those that came and the great amount we received but my heart still hurts that no one else came. I had 1 aunt and 2 cousins, a great aunt, my mom, 2 friends and the 2 hostess' there. My mother in law didn't come!!!! And my moms family alone has 6-10 women that were invited and didn't even mention anything about it. I know this seems like I'm so ungrateful but I'm really not. I'm just so hurt bc I give 110% to everyone I know. 😔😔😔