Hey ladies, so hubby and I just started TTC baby #1 and just ended the first cycle with what I thought was
AF 😩😔 but now I'm not sure. I was sure it was AF bc I had definite bleeding for a few days but this period was different. I'm usually on a heavy flow days 1-5 and spot on days 6-7 sometimes until day 9ish. This time I spotted on day 1 had moderate bleeding days 2-4. It was too heavy to be considered spotting to me but not as heavy as usual. Days 5-6 were light brown spotting both days and by day 7 nothing. My cramps usually stop by day 4 and my mood swings and acne has usually cleared up too by the end of AF. Today I am definitely off yet I am still having slight cramping in my lower belly and chin acne is still on 1000. I also cried at work and snapped on my husband for some really silly stuff today. I would usually just say I'm not preggo since I had bleeding but with this irregular period and lingering symptoms this cycle after TTC I can't help but wonder if I should still take a test or if I'm just trippin!