9 day period??😥

Megan 🤙🏼
Alright, sooo! 
Im 19 years old, 5'4", 120lb and have the nexplanon arm bar birth control and have had it for almost 2 years. When i first got the birth control i had spotting for a few months consecutively and then went without periods for awhile. For the past 6-8 months ive been getting my periods roughly every other month and each one is an average of 5 days long with some spotting before and after. 
My last period was the end of May, so I wasn't expecting anything until July but Im never 100% sure. A couple weeks ago I began having really light spotting and then showed symptoms of PMS. Well needless to say mother nature started her thing, but I am currently going on DAY 9 of nonstop consistent bleeding😡 I have no cramps or any other symptoms, I am just bleeding. I didnt find much on google so I am turning to all of you for answers or similar experiences. I just want to know if this is ever going to end😩 
Thank you!!
OH, p.s., not sure if this is relevant or not but just in case.. I am in a long distance relationship right now and my boyfriend and i dont use condoms because im on birth control and were both clean. The last time i saw him was right when the spotting started.