Getting pregnant after stillbirth

Sorry, if this is in the wrong room. 
I found out may 30th, that my little baby girl had passed away, due to my failed placenta, she wasn't growing, and her heart eventually stopped. Worst news my husband and I could EVER receive. **this is the FIRST death I've ever been thru in my life**
We tried a year exact to get pregnant with her. I found out 3 days before my birthday in January, that we were expecting.
When we lost her, i was 23 weeks pregnant, but she was only measuring 19 weeks. 
I just had my D&E Thursday.  (it's not a d&c, d&e are for 2nd trimester losses, like mine). 
I'm obviously still bleeding, as I'm expected to for up to 2 weeks max. Our genetic counselor said she would reccomened waiting at least 3 months before trying again, whenever we are healed (mentally, physically and emotionally). 
I'm still hurting from the loss of our precious baby girl, I shed a few tears still everyday. 
I just want to know, if anyone has had a stillbirth, and got pregnant again after, how soon after your stillbirth?