Nausea? Here's a tip

PC • Mama to Cruz 💙 Kaia 💖 and Shaea to come 💗
Diclegis is the hot new (expensive) prescribed med for nausea in pregnancy.. but many insurances don't take it yet. My doctor gave me a handful of sample bottles and said when I run out - if I don't feel like going through the headache of insurance, the pill literally breaks down to be B6 and Unisom. Those you can get at CVS or Walgreens, etc. 
I warn you.. You will feel groggy the next day bc Unisom is a sleep aid. As is Diclegis. I took Diclegis last night and I couldn't get out of bed this morning. So.. you choose, nausea or tired zombie state. 
You have options! :)