Facebook has a new virus/spyware going around. . Figure I give some heads up.( ugh ..no idea what category to put it in)


I have to share this. . A good friend of mine posted this earlier. .. I just saw it.

Guys, if u get a text message, email, Facebook message etc etc with this message in it, DO NOT CLICK THE LINK. AND CHANGE UR FACEBOOK PASSWORD ASAP- CHANGE UR PASSWORD TO ONE MORE COMPLICATED. .alphanumeric (contains letters and numbers ) and that contains at least ONE capital letter.

Example : Fac3b00k (now this is both an easy one and leet lingo, but I wanted an easy example.. so it's the word Facebook- spelled with a capital F and numbers as letters. U can make it more complex than that for sure..)

And DON'T CLICK ON THAT LINK. ..IT'S spyware/malware.. potentially even a virus. Most likely a key logger / spyware.