Baby boy!

I  Have been in the hospital since Tuesday with complications. I've had to be seen a couple times for bleeding but this time was the worst. The bleeding stopped but they didn't feel comfortable with discharging me since I had partial placenta abruption. His heart rate dropped to the 90s and my ob wanted to deliver but the high risk dr said to wait until next week since they got it back up and he looked perfect. I will be 37 weeks next Thursday. They moved me to another floor where I had more room wasn't monitored 24/7 but was still close if something happened. I still had to do fetal monitoring 3 times a day for an hour. They hooked me up for my first check up and he did amazing until the last 10 min his heart rate dropped to the 90s again. It took them 10 min to get it back up and they decided it was best to move me back to L&D and induce me. They have started it all the contractions SUCK but I'm so ready to have my little prince in my arms!!