My body is fucking retarded I give up

5 days late had thick creamy cm elevated bbt sore breast Montgomery bumps well morning sickness yet this morning I started spotting so pretty sure AF is coming me and hubby have been ttc for 16 month miscarried a baby back in April and had 2.chemical pregnancies just seems to be getting us nothing but heartache and I'm just spaced out at the moment I feel like why am I so retartedly built I have a bicornuate uterus they say a uterus full of love no a retarded piece of shit that won't bring forth life I'm sorry if I seem like a cry baby but I feel broken and I just don't understand why my body must be a cruel bitch so yea I'm just about to give up ttc because seems pointless it only hurts me more so yeah wishing u ladies the best of luck and baby dust and healthy pregnancies I just don't have the strength to keep trying and losing and hoping and wishing that after a preganacy is confirmed that it will make it and lose I just cant