37 weeks.


Seen my doctor yesterday.

My blood pressure has been staying up between 140/90 to 147/90.

I was sent for a non stress test...ultrasound booked for next week..blood work done.. and prescription given for blood pressure.

My last ultrasound was at 34 weeks 3 days and my pork chop was coming in at 5 lbs 12 ozs. Ultrasound before that was 28 weeks 3 days and he was coming in at 2 lbs 10 ozs.

I'm 37 weeks today and I just want this baby to come :( it's my 3rd. 3rd boy to be exact. 1st son I was induced, 2nd my labor was at home till I was 9cm went got my water broken and had him all within hours. And now I'm tired of a sore pelvis, tired of being tired, neasous, and I'm ready to just have the little pork chop!

Question why hasn't my dr checked me at all for dilation or etc. I see her again the 22nd ( wednesday).