Is it just me or have we mom's become lazy??

So I see all these gadgets to make being a mom so less time consuming , and honestly I don't use them .. examples bottle/wipe warmers, painful breastpumps, monitors with cameras.. I can go on forever. . Then how many mom's rely on help from grandma and dad and friends.. and so on.. And we'll my first was born when I was 17.. I had finals and a job.. I had nothing but a crib and a few bottles .. and of course clothes , diapers, wipes, etc.. I breast fed when home she was bottle fed while I was gone.. and she turned out fine .. I am a mom of 4 waiting on 5 and the only things I really use is a safe place for baby to sleep, a swing so I can do things around the house, and the best one for me (MyBoppy) ... I used to eat while breastfeeding my baby.. and homework at the same time.. Of course there will be sleepless nights, and it might get overwhelming at times, But it's called being a mother!!