Do birth control pills cause many side effects?!!

I started taking them on January (tri-lo-sprintec),  on April I switched to another type Cuz I had a reaction to those. I switched to tri-legest fe. We the other pills I had mood swing, I was angry and used to get stressed out at anyone, but now with the new ones it's worse. I can be normal at a moment, then everything will make me cry and feel depressed or I can snap at anyone that does something I don't want to. Also my sex drive is very low, compared to how it used to be before taking the pills in general. I feel like having sex often but it's not a strong need, and in the middle of the act I lose the interest. Also I had a yeast infection "for switching the pills" and now I don't lubricate and when I have sex it burns and I don't even get that horny. Is it the pills that are doing these to me? Do they have those side effects? Should I call my doctor to switch them? This is affecting me, me in my relationship with my bf. Help please 😔