Positive OPKs all week

Courtney • 👼🏼 2-26-17 and now our Rainbow baby is here! 6-2-18 Carter Logan Freeborn 🌈👶🏼 and Easton Kent Freeborn due 7-26-19
I started using OPKs last Saturday. I first used the clear blue digital and got low fertility, didn't use one Sunday, but started back up again Monday and I got the blinking smiley face so hubby and I BD. This is my "fertile week" so we've been BDing everyday. Took another clear blue the next day and it was still a blinking smiley. Same with Wednesday. I ran out of the clear blue digital and bought first response 0PK's and those showed LH surge. So needless to say I've been taking OPKs all week and still seeing a surge. Has this happened to anyone else? Pretty sure I ovulated on the left side but I'm not positive because I'm not very good at tracking that. I don't temp either. This is our 3rd month TTC baby #1.