First pregnancy, just found out!!

So I had the other <a href="">glow app</a> and me and my SO have been trying for about nine months. Throughout those nine months I must say that I grew discouraged and slightly depressed =[ the thought of having something missing my whole life was a lot to think about, so we were beyond excited to see that plus sign on the test! I am only a few weeks along and just cannot wait for time to pass. I am so concerned about anything going wrong, but trying to think positive. I've scheduled a doctors appointment and even spoke with my doctor to make sure my allergy medicine was okay and see if I could get insurance through them which thankfully I can. I bought womens one a day prenatal with omega 3 and folic acid amongst so much more, anyways I'm just wondering if there are any tips or anything I should know? I haven't told many because I wanted to wait for the ultrasound. I'm working and I have a fairly easy job, but what if I'm asked to lift something? How much is too much? What should I not eat? Lol so much to say I'm just curious as this is all so new and exciting to me. Thanks guys!!