Post about husband coaching 7-4 response

Boymama • Just had our third and last baby! #boymomforlife 💙💙💙
Wow! I didn't expect so many comments so I'll just respond here. 
Here are a few things to get straight
1. I commented on the post right after I made it saying "sorry typo I'm 29 weeks not 39 weeks" human error sorry! 
2. My dues date got moved up a week, so I'm due end of Aug just didn't change my name (had a few math majors here questioning my pregnancy).
3. DH and I are both teachers, that's what makes the money 
4. Coaches make a percentage of the base salary, we live and work in a very rural area so his coaching check is a couple thousand dollars at the end of the season. That MIGHT pay for his gas to get to all these extra practices this summer. 
5. I love my DH beyond words and I mentioned that we had talked about the situation but that doesn't mean we had brawls! So all of you saying "Chill the f&$@ out" "Cut him some slack, at least he's not in jail or doing drugs or whores" well, that's not our relationship so IDK how you all handle things but we talk about our issues, not fight. 
6. Not sure how it turned into a pissing contest of whose DH works the longest or hardest. I married a teacher, expecting teacher hours. Not a military man, a business owner a rocket scientist ect. I give you ladies props because idk that I could Handle being a single mom 24/7 for weeks or months! 
7. Hope the Internet hates me a little less now. I'll be the first to admit, I'm needy but I didn't realize that was a reason to go on a witch hunt and call me evil nasty names. 
8. DH is a very hardworking man! This is one of the reasons why I love him. Aside from teaching and coaching, we also have a cattle farm that he runs with his dad. He is a great man, husband and father. 
I was/am overwhelmed and lonely. I don't have family to lean on so we rely on each other for nearly everything! (His family is a huge help too)