My boyfriend doesn't follow my religion, is that okay?

My boyfriend and I have been together since this February. I have had the time of my life with this man. He makes sure that I am always taken care of, that I know I am loved, and that I am happy. Anything I need or want this man will break his back to get it for me. Anytime we get upset with each other we will come back to each other in the next 30 mins to talk it out. I have been physically attacked by my ex and when I told him, he nearly cried. When it comes to me, he's such a passionate person. 
He always talks so fond of me to his friends and family and it makes me feel great. 
He was a Christian as a child but as he grew he figured it wasn't for him. He wouldn't call himself an Athiest but a spiritual person. 
Should I be worried about furthering our relationship? I don't mind it and neither does he but my aunt has commented on our relationship and I have always thought highly of her. I'm defintley not calling it quits but should I be concerned? 
*I know this sounds silly but I really want someone else's opinion*

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