Family issue

Doesn't really relate to pregnancy, but the issue is important for me.

My husband and I are planning to move to another country, which makes it very hard for its immigrants to bring the elder generation with them. My brother is planning moving to another country as well (different from ours, but also tough on bringing parents).

My mother told me that she wants to divorce my father and move away from him. I'm not worried about her, as she is a very active person and can take care of herself.

My father is 76 and he always has been a very passive and even inert person. His parents gave him a good education but he chose never to develop his career or skills. He works cleaning offices for a minimum wage and every boss he encounters somehow manages to deceive him (not paying in time, paying less than agreed, not paying pension etc.). Every time my mother or ny brother or I take care of it, call his bosses and try to get at least something. My father doesn't do anything to take care of his problems. He lets us do it but when we ask him to take care of some of his problems himself he gets angry and says he doesn't need it- if we want it then we should do it. He is used to heing helpless and he likes it. My mother is sick and tired of saving my father, which she has been doing her whole life, and she wants to move away from him and live her own life.

My huge worry is: if my brother and I leave and my mother leaves, what's going to happen to my father??? Nothing good, I'm sure...

There is no way we can stay, as the immigration issue has been decided a long time ago with my husband and my brother is determined to leave soon as well. It is crucial for us to leave and if we stay we basically sacrifice ourselves and our children for my father's sake. The process of moving him to another country with us, if we succeed will take 5-6 years (the earliest), and it's too long. The only solution I see is to send him money so he can survive on his own. But with his total helplessness and inability to survive on his own, I'm not sure that even with this money he will be able to take care of himself.... BTW, he doesn't have dementia or any other age-related disease. My mother says that when was in his early 30's he was the same as today.

I'm very pregnant and we also have a toddler, my husband is the only breadwinner in my family, and it will be the same in the new country, at least for a while. So we are not in the positionto support him fully. The same with my brother, two kids and they are not rich.

I feel very angry with my father, and I worry about him and I just can't stop thinking about the future.