I've lost myself...

After taking a long walk today to clear my mind after a bad fight with my fiancé, I realized that I'm losing myself in our relationship. The first year of our relationship was great...he was patient with me while I finished college, introduced me to fitness, put me on a pedestal, you name it. The past year of our relationship has been argument after argument, continuous "white lies" on his part, and ineffective communication on both our parts. We tried a few sessions of couple's counseling before we could no longer afford it. Everything was fine in front of the counselor, but once we got home nothing changed. Over the past year I've gained 20 lbs due to stress/emotional eating; it's hard losing the extra weight when he refuses to support my efforts. I'm purchasing a home on Friday...only MY credit score and income were used because his credit sucks despite my best efforts to help him get on the right path. We were planning to move in TOGETHER, but after our argument last night I took my engagement ring off and threw it at him. We've been giving each other the cold shoulder all day and he hasn't said anything to convince me to stay. He used to fight for our relationship but those days are long gone. He expects me to come to him with an apology or an olive branch, but it's not happening this time. HE needs to fight for US. I'm tired of being the only one in the ring with my gloves up. I want to find myself again!