For those with children

So I'm kind of worried about going into labor in the middle of the night, because my daughter will have to come with us to the hospital and my sister will come pick her up but it's about a 1 hr drive .... Did to any of your kids stay at the hospital while you were in labor ?
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I was home alone with my 2year old son when I went into labor with my 6th child in the middle of the night. I had his bag packed too. While I was in active labor one of the nurses stayed with my son (in the room) until it was time to push. As soon as the baby was born she brought him back in. She came in every hr to check on him until someone could come pick him up from the hospital. They all fell in love with him and were a big help keeping him calm while momma was screaming lol (natural birth)


Melissa • Jun 20, 2016
your a soldier! good job momma


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Yes my daughter was in the room with both of my births. She was 9 and 12 years old at the time.


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My son was in the room sitting with my MIL for the entire birth. 


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Nearer the time my son is going for sleepovers at his granny's house. So it makes life a little easier :) 


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Yes it happens