Help! My mother in law is driving me crazy.

Cee • 23 year old Wife and Mother of 2 ❤️
Okay so My husband is half Ghanaian and half black. I am half black and half white which would make this baby only 1/4 African. His mother, who isn't African, has been forcing this whole "culture" thing down my throat. (My husband isn't in to his culture at ALL mind you) She tried to convince me and my husband to give our child an African first name. I gave in and met half way with giving them the Aftican middle name. But now she is telling me that after the baby is born, 2 weeks later she expects us to do an "offical naming ceremony" where they do tribal rituals on the child and that's when an African elder "officially" gives the child their name. I am VERY Christian and don't believe in tribal ceremonies. And after reading up of the ceremony I DO NOT want it done to my child. Am I wrong for this?! How do I kindly tell her that I don't want this taking place? Or should my husband break it to her?