Temp dip--please respond🙈

Jayde • Married & a proud mama of 3 boys ♥️
I understand it's early, but my temp has dropped for the past two days since I ovulated. I confirmed with OPKs, had the ovulation cramp/pains like normal and checked CM. My temperature was 98.1 from 97.6 when I ovulated, but has dipped down to 97.5 yesterday and 97.2 this morning. I don't temp every morning at the same time (I work night shift 3 days a week), but I always make sure it's as soon as I wake up, before getting out of bed and after at least 5 hrs of sleep. My temps stayed up after ovulation last month, but I had a chemical pregnancy. I'm 4dpo & am hoping this isn't a bad sign. 
Thank you in advance!