What changes should I make before TTC?

My fiancé and I had a huge discussion the other week about WHEN we would like to start trying for a baby. We agreed that we wanted to be married first and seeing as how we're getting married in September of 2017 and I'm only 21 -we still have a lot of time left before I would personally start to feel like my clock was ticking. (I want to have kids young. My mother did and I liked the way it all worked out. Also 30 isn't soon enough for me!!)
So in about a year we will start trying for the first time ever! I'm really excited but I've read a few articles and talked to my dr and everything is saying a lot of different stuff. So I was curious what you lovely ladies did so I can have a perfect start to my pregnancy. 
Currently I drink caffeine (coffee& green tea) 
I drink alcohol (wine. Beer. Mixers) 
I work out 2-3 times a week but sometimes more depending on how well I slept
Eat healthy portion sizes meals
Drink protein shakes and take BCAA's, glutamine, creatine, fish oil, Cla, vitamins B C & D, and magnesium + calcium because I'm lactose intolerant. 
Obviously some of these things I will DEFINETELY stop once I'm TTC but what else do I need to do and most importantly WHEN do I start doing these things? 1 year before? 6 months before? Just when I start? 
Thanks :)