Baby shower drama!!


My mother informed me that she will be hosting my baby shower. I am excited that someone is throwing me one but nervous at the same time that its my mom because she is VERY controlling. She told me who she is invited and to let her know who I would like to attend as well. As I was looking at her list, she is inviting people that I have never met or even heard of! I told her that I would just really like something small with close friends and family but she refuses. I don't want her to think I'm being ungrateful or unappreciative of anything she is doing but I feel as though she is making this more about herself than me. I just dont want complete strangers there or anyone thinking I'm just fishing for gifts or anything. I don't like attention on myself as it is but my mom can't seem to understand that without getting mad or upset. I cant help to stress about it now lol. Can anyone relate to this? Or have some advice to share lol? Thanks!
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Posted at
Honestly I wouldn't mind my moms friends that I haven't met coming to my baby shower... That's just more women to support you during your pregnancy, to get advice from, and heck, to get more baby gifts from!! Even tho you don't know them, they may turn out to be very helpful for you and your new baby 😊


Posted at
If these people know ur mom well then I'm sure they will be more than happy to buy ur baby a gift I would feel odd as well... as like even my mom's work friends that she knew she didn't invite them to my wedding or anything and I've even met them! But maybe they want to come I know ppl lobe buying things for babies it's fun and exciting time! Just sit back and enjoy it. They probably won't show up anyway unless ur mom knows them really well and they probably feel like they know u Bc ur mom probably talks about u all the time


Posted at
I feel like we may have the same mom.... I'm having my second baby and with my first he was 2 months early and went into the hospital the day before my shower. So I've never had a baby shower. So I understand the need she feels to throw me one. However she's making all the arrangements. I've tried to tell my twin sister to weezle in and make sure things are going OK and that my friends are getting invited but no such luck. Shes a pastor and is inviting pretty much everyone in her congregation whom I don't know because we attend a different church in our town. If you hear of any good advice please pass it on because I'm at a loss as to how I can explain my stance on the situation without hurting her feelings or seeming ungrateful.


Posted at
OMG YES! My boyfriends Mom wanted to help my mom throw mine but is just stressing me out. I ended up telling her I wasn't involved what so ever that this was being thrown for me so I didn't wanna hear it. She was inviting people she wanted there and not asking my boyfriend who he wants.. Oh and don't worry she was insane when it came to baby names too... Moms are intense sometimes