
Bex • 1 yr old triplets from IVF

Hi ladies!

I'm in a bit of a shocked state right now so I'm turning to this board. My husband and I did <a href="">IVF</a> due to Unexplained Infertility and no success with Clomid and <a href="">IUI</a>'s. We chose to transfer 2 embryos on Day 3. We have had betas and a few ultrasounds at this point. I'm 6w6d. We a first U/S where it looked like 1 baby, then on the second U/S it was 2. I'd had some spotting so when I asked about another dark spot she said not to worry it was a bleed. Welp, no it wasn't, because we went in today and it's three!  

Girls, I'm so happy for success with <a href="">IVF</a> on the first try and being pregnant after the long ride that is infertility but I'm flipping out a bit about this news of triplets. How in the world are we going to make this work?  I'm taller but average weight...where will they go??  I'm a teacher and I'm really concerned about how this will play out for leave. Our contract is not very maternity friendly. Will I even be able to work after?

They told us at the transfer that we had a 2-3% chance we could get triplets. It seemed so small I wasn't worried. Now I'm worried. I feel guilty feeling upset and scared because we wanted these babies so badly!  I'm just SOOOO scared of the unknown. Tell me I'm not alone!