I just saw a heartbeat!

I just saw a heart beat at 5 weeks and 3 days. 😳😃😍 
I couldn't believe it. The doc was super surprised too. 
I have been stressing so much (I only had one HCG test to go on and the level was only 73) and called yesterday just to calm my nerves. The lady was lovely and suggested I come in and have a scan. 
The doc prepared me to see nothing - like nothing at all - she said we might see a sac or we might not. Then she said that they were trialling a new ultrasound machine... I later told the doc that they should buy the machine! 
Go in for the scan and she sees the sac and says "wow. We can already see your baby. That's pretty amazing this early" and then we saw a flicker and she was like "Amazingly there is already a heartbeat!" No one could believe it. The doc was super happy with it. 
Bub's heart rate was only 78bpm. But considering how early it is I'm not even worried! I guess bub inherited my genes for trying to be early at everything! 
I am in shock. Hubby started to tear up a little! I did not expect to see a heartbeat today. Best. Day. EVER.