Trying EVERYTHING! Am I missing anything?

Cycle 12 TTC - Doc prescribed me Clomid after me not ovulating regularly. So I am currently on day 3/5 of that. I'm also BBT charting, taking Geritol until I get a positive OPK (also taking opks lol), and taking royal jelly. I also am minimizing caffeine and exercising regularly. Oh! And I have Preseed for when I get a positive OPK. Are there any other recommendations??
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Maybe try relaxing you sound extremely stressed with can make it difficult to conceive. I know it's difficult to not stress but to much stress is not good. I hope u get your bfp soon


Elizabeth • Jun 22, 2016
Well, I've been TTC for 1yr now, and have had highly irregular periods, hence the Clomid. Because Clomid is hard on the body, I'm trying to make sure I do everything right to try to minimize how many times I have to put my body through this.