Rant impatiently waiting !!!

Okay so I am having my 3 rd daughter my first two share the same birthday and are 5 years apart so I was really looking for my last daughter to join the birthday club but no luck there even so I am 4 cm dialated and 50% enfaced I was still sent home because I was not in active labor so here I am only 2 more weekly check up to visit before doctor attempt to induce me because at 36 weeks baby was in head down position and already 7lbs and 8oz she said if baby don't come naturally before than we will have to do a c-section and I am super scared I honestly just want to have a vaginal birth as I did with my girls and enjoy mommy world . On top of it all mommy is a working mom and since early in my pregnancy I said I was waiting on baby I am now literally waiting on baby to stop no matter how uncomfortable these last few weeks have been mommy had to continue to work and manager has been so unfair with the schedule 10 working days straight and two weekend back to back and holidays schedule for me just I considered or simply don't care either way I am so over it
And unsure why but today I have literally went to the bathroom about 22 times oh and my doctor strip my membrane about a week ago and still no progress omg!! Ava why are u giving mommy such a hard time..😭😭😭😭😭😭😭