My little one has arrived


I'm super late but my little girl has made her arrival I was due 6-6-16 my Csection was scheduled for 6-1-16(my birthday) but my little one decided to come may 28th which was Csection because I wasn't allowed doing vaginal due to back issues :) she's perfect an healthy named her Madisyn she was born at 1:17pm @ 6lbs 12oz 19" long :) it's such a blessing being a mother I love every minute of it ♡
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My baby girl was also born 5/28 by c-section, 6lbs 6oz and 19in.  My due date was originally 6/4.  :) Congratulations!!! 


Katie • Jun 28, 2016
aww congratulations to you to :) can you believe our babies are a month old already :( where has time went??


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Time has flown by crazy fast!!  I hope you are enjoying your time!  :)