CD55 and so pissed

💕Michelle💕 • I`m a 38 yr old. My husband, 13 yr old son and I are excited to have a baby girl in July!
Ok I was on here a little while ago telling all of you that my Dr. Was not doing any test or anything to help with weather or not I'm pregnant. 
A lot of you said to go to another Dr. I will, but got back from a weekend trip to NYC and this morning I woke up with a lot of CM! What the hell?! It was a little stretchy but broke easy. Within the hr. I went and checked my CM by going up there (sorry TMI). It came out a little creamy and I can't reach my cervix. Is this normal?? 
My pregnancy test is BFN this morning (when I tweeked it it looked like a vvvvfaint pos). But today iv been having tenderness in my boobs and dizziness (mostly an off feeling). 
My question is, should I just wait it out and if I get a BFP go back to my original Doctor and slam it in her face? Or should I just not wait anymore and go get that second opinion? I'm sorry for all the questions. But I do like all your opinions thank you!