Could I be pregnant ?

Jesus please don't just say " take a test " or something. I know I should , I just need advice or peace of mind first. So I'm on two birth controls the implant and mini pill cerelle at the same time. The implant since feburary and the pill since March. The mini pill was to sort my periods out as it never stopped and was really heavy. but my period since I started the mini pill has been on the clock every two weeks  I can literally estimate the day it'll be here and it'll happen , lasting for 13 days but it is really light. But I've not had a period for 3 weeks now , 2 weeks late ! me and my boyfriend are VERY sexually active don't use condoms or pull out and I've had weird discharge. No sign of periods at all I just keep getting strange pains in my lower right stomach towards the side, I know it's unlikely for me to catch pregnant on two birth controls but the mini pill I don't take the same time everyday I'm so bad for remembering. I'm scared , what are the chances ?? I've not even been moody much and normally I get so moody before my period starts and I know there's still a tiny tiny chance of catching pregnant on birth controls