Does the QUAD SCREEN also determine gender?


During my first trimester, I opted out of the early blood screening to determine abnormalities and gender. They said I can wait till the second trimester for the Quad Screen blood test to determine the same thing. I did that instead so it would be free. The Quad Screen also determines the gender...... right?? I have my anatomy scan in a few days. Apparently ultrasounds aren't always accurate, so I was hoping that the Quad Screen would be the final determination.
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Posted at
Typical quad screenings do not include gender. Only the MaterniT21 and Harmony tests do, and most insurances will not cover if you are not high risk or above 35.


Posted at
Nope, only genetic testing does as the previous person said. I had the Panorama genetic screening after my Quad came back abnormal and it gave me the gender (though we already knew based on U/S)


Posted at
Quad screen doesn't test for gender 


Posted at
Mine didnt. I believe it's only the harmony (or the other name that I don't remember right now) that do gender.