What a Pleasant Surprise 😍Welcome Evin Carter McInnis

Father's Day was wonderful, except for the painful BH that I had been experiencing for ehat seemed like weeks. I'd spoken with my OBGYN last week and he encouraged me to drink Red Raspberry Leaf Tea. I picked up a box Friday ( 2 days before Father's Day) and began drinking it. After watching the NBA finals game with my DH, I began to experience what I thought were my nightly, painful, contractions...except for when I went the bathroom I noticed a brownish, mucus like discharge. I'd read that as long as it wasn't bright red..I should wait it out, especially since before this time I knew that I had not dialated. I drank water, changed positions and the contractions increased with more brownish discharge. I called my doc ( 12AM)...he told me to go to hospital. Upon arriving I was 1CM dialated with contractions 7 minutes apart. I was given fluids, but by that time contractions jumped to 4 minutes apart....and I was barely @ 2CM dialated.... the pain was " unreal"...having experienced labor before...I was quickly reminded about labor and back labor. After 4 hours of contractions @ 4 minutes apart, Doc decided to admit me @ 37 /2. I was exhausted from the constant pain, lack of sleep, so on. I was given an epidural @ 3CM dialated.......and a hour later jumped from 3 -10 & was prepped for pushing!!!!!! I couldn't believe it.....So at 12:52 PM............EVIN CARTER MCINNIS was born on 6-20-16 at 7lbs, 1 oz...20 inches long.....We are in LOVE!!!!!💙😍