So flippin mad

Elizabeth • Proud mommy of baby Lee
So My fiances grandma comes over today and since my baby daddy is on child support for his other kids his check is low . The stupid thing she did was that she gave me a paper that said help for pregnant women, like frthat shit is when your a single mother and im not a single mother . I explain to her what the outcomes of that are and she still saying that I should ask for the help like omg . For one im not trying to put my fiance on child support cus hes obviously with me and he wants me and the baby . Then she goes on saying that i should still do it and say that i messed with a couple of guys to make it look like i dont know who my baby daddy is like wtf! . Who the fuck does she think she is. Im a good person and I obviously dont mess around like that to even go lie and say that stupidity about myself. I only and ive always been with my fiance and my child is obviously my fiances baby. who tf would be so fucked up in the head to suggest that shit . Shit just made me so mad ,like bitch get tf away from me before I snap on your old ass . I told my fiance and he got so mad at what she did hes also ready to snap. 😠