Surgery & breastfeeding ...

So at my sons 4 month appointment i mentioned to my docter about this pain i've been having & that i had vomited all day the day before.. Long story short.. He felt my stomach & ordered an ultrasound because he thinks there is something wrong with my gull bladder & says i may have to get it removed .. He says this is common in women After having a baby .. 
My ultrasound is booked for tomorrow morning.. So i guess we will find out whats wrong then .. Anyways.. 
My predicament is .. If i have to get surgery .... 
My son is exclusivly breastfed... & i have pumped milk in th freezer, but he WILL NOT for the life of him take a bottle... He did once or twice when he was like 6 weeks old .. But hasn't since.. He just refuses & lets the milk sit in his mouth & wont suck... Yes we've tried differnt bottles & nipples & positions .. 
I've read that docters will tell you not to breastfeed for 24 hours after surgery (becuase of the anesthesia), but that aparently that is old information .. & that once you come to your senses after the anesthesia wears off .. That you can breastfeed & it wont affect your baby.. I even read stories of moms that did it .. But i dont know weather this is true or not..
But what other choice do i have ? Im going to have to feed him right before & after the surgery ..
But i am worried that he might get hungry DURING the surgery .. 
Ugh this is super stressfull :,( 
any advice or anyone go through this ..!?