Roomates/First baby HELP?!

So currently living in a 2 bedroom apartment with my BF and his brother, our lease will be up in September and im due in August. At first we had decided to split up and go our own ways because of the baby and honestly i would love to have own place with the baby and my BF that was going to be our plan when we first decided to move in together before the baby of course haha but we decided for money reason having roomate will be better. But now that im 8 months pregnant idk if i want that anymore.. I like living all together but i feel like theres going to be so much going on with the baby that its going to add stress to it. Also for the last couple months, their friend has been staying with us sleeping in the living room which he was suppose to be staying only couple weeks which ended up being months now and i just dont feel like this apartment is a HOME to bring in a new born. I live an hour away from my parents and family and friends, i hardly have people over its mostly my bfs and his brothers friends that come over and i just dont know what to do... Is it too much to want a place for our own little family? Sometimes i feel like im asking for too much..but at the same time i feel like let them do what they wanted this year even if they say this is my apartment too i have a say in what goes or doesnt but it doesnt feel like that at all. 😢 
Oh and also another thing that is getting to me is the fact that i have yet to set up the crib or get anything organized because we still dont know if we're moving or staying, so anytime i walk into our room i just see a corner of unopened boxes and everything just pushed into a corner..