PIH .. early contractions

So i am 32+6 and i am being followed closely for preeclampsia as my blood pressure has been elevated since about 24 weeks and started swelling badly around 26 .. at 31 weeks i was taken out of work and put on a modified bed rest .. today was my 33 wk apt and although my swelling has greatly improved my blood pressure still did not come down to what they were hoping (132/94) have been as high as 162/102 .. OB was concerned enough now to send me for PIH labs .. i have not been spilling protein as far as their test strips in office can pick up .. i am now on a weekly basis apt schedule and was told today "you will be delivered early not super early but early" my mom has been a nicu nurse for 29 years and i work in pediatrics and am now worrying i wont make it to 36 or 37 weeks before needing to be delivered .. has anyone else been this early with PIH but be able to get to almost term .. i have also started with cramping and back pain that my.dr thinks are contractions but said that even if i started with preterm labor he wouldnt stop it because of the hypertension