Porn is fine

Okay, yes, I know that this is topic has been talked about a lot, but I want to give my opinion. And in my opinion, there's nothing wrong with porn. My boyfriend watches it, I watch it. We've been together for almost two years, and it's never caused any problems with our relationship OR our sex life. People give the argument that it creatures this unrealistic standard, and then that's what you expect sex to be like so your sex isn't as good. For some people, that may be true. For me, definitely not. I use porn to get off, and that's all. Never once when I was watching porn have I thought "I want to cheat on my boyfriend and fuck that guy, that's why I'm watching this." Porn exists because people get horny and  want to watch something sexual to masturbate to. Sometimes my boyfriend and I even watch porn together, because it turns us both on and we'll masturbate together when I'm on my period and we can't have sex. So, I don't think there's anything wrong with porn. It's not cheating. People get aroused and want something sexual to watch. That's all.