When to count ovulation day?

Do you count ovulation day the day after you get a positive opk?
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Well you ovulate 12-36 hours after your positive. I personally continue to test to see when it drops. I typically consider the day after my positive as 1dpo, because the following day my surge starts to fall.


Crystal • Jun 23, 2016
I remember reading on this fertility site that the most important 3 days are the day before +opk, the day of +opk, and most importantly the ovulation day. Your odds are good! Now it's time for TWW


Tina • Jun 23, 2016
Okay thank you. Is it better to BD before or after ovulation? My husband BD the day before I got the positive opk and the day I did get the positive opk but we didn't BD the day after the positive opk or the day after that. Do you think we still have a good chance?


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I usually count the day after my positive OPK as ovulation day. Then the next day (so two days after the positive OPK) is 1 DPO. 


Tina • Jun 23, 2016
Thank you!