11 days past HCG shot, is this all the shot?

Ashlea • 27 years old... Married the love of my life 5.20.15 and gained 3 amazing step kids, baby #1 due May 2017
And suddenly having bad diarrhea out of nowhere. The past few days if I haven't eaten by 9 I have been extremely nauseas and normally I don't eat until noon, I am never hungry in the morning. My mood has been all over the place, one minute happy, next crying over nothing. This all started about 8-9 days after getting the shot and then last night my breast were killing me, couldn't sleep normal, hurt when touched but by this morning they weren't that bad. Now all morning I was fine until about 3 and then suddenly I'm having awful diarrhea, it's not even like my stomach Is hurting, I'm fine and then it starts gurgling and I have seconds to make it to the bathroom. Is this all because of the shot?