Anyone else feel like the days are going by SO SLOWLY?

Ever since I saw that first positive pregnancy test a week and a half ago, minutes feel like hours. Hours feel like days. Days feel like years! I don't get to go to my first doctor's appointment until July 19, and I'm just dying to tell the entire world! I get excited to go to sleep every night because I know I'm about to be one day closer. One day closer to my dr appt. One day closer to getting through the first trimester. One more day of knowing/hoping that tiny little chocolate chip is still in there, just growing away! I check <a href="">Nurture</a> the second I wake up to read all the articles and see if my little chip has gotten any bigger. I'm at work now and I just keep staring at the clock, begging it to tick faster. I feel like I'm losing my mind. Anyone else?