Mom arrested for whipping her kids

Cara✨🏳️‍🌈 • 23yr old virgo queen
From WBRZ News : "A Baton Rouge mother who was arrested by East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's deputies after she admitted to whipping her sons as punishment for breaking into a house has bonded out of jail. She told our cameras she thought she was doing the right thing by disciplining her children.

30-year-old Schaquana Spears was booked on child cruelty charges Monday morning.

The arrest reports says her 13-year-old reportedly told East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office detectives that Spears had struck him with an RCA cord multiple times. The boy had cuts on both arms and marks across his body, according to investigators.

The other two boys, aged 10 and 12, also had injuries, according to arrest documents. Spears was booked into the parish prison on two counts of cruelty to juveniles with bond set at $2,500."

This happened in my hometown and everyone I know has a different opinion about it. I'm wondering what you guys think. BTW they took all 6 of her kids away. 

EDIT: So I noticed right away that a lot of people are saying this is abuse but I feel that it's just our culture here in southern LA. I don't know anyone who hasn't got whipped with an extension cord. Just a thought.