Could i be preggo?


Ok so my husband and i got married in March and decided to wait to start trying till we moved into our home. We tried on the 8th, 10th, 11th, and 12th of this month. But lately i just haven't been feeling right. This would be our first so i don't know the early signs.

First i noticed i was having superrrrrr bad cramps. I would feel bloated almost but then they would hit me like i was having af cramps but im not due to start till the 27th-28th. But i have been cramping for at least 2 weeks now. Second i get very very nauseas if i eat sweets. Which i love but lately i want savory like breakfast sausage and sour cream lays. Very weird lol and i noticed when i lay down at night my kidneys hurt but not really hurt as in pain more like pressure. But then today ive had this overwhelming taste of metal in my mouth. Cant get rid of it. Lastly its only happened a few times but i feel something move or twinge down there. I looked it up and it said maybe gas but its not, almost a muscule spasm.

Anyway i need some advice but i dont want to ask anyone i know cause then they'll think somethings up. Lol thanks for any and all feedback!

This is our first time trying so i didnt really expect to get it on the first try. So im nervous to take a test and it be neg.