Progesterone success??

So I won't go into detail to describe my anxiety about this situation! I'm just curious what y'all think! 
I first got pregnant in February 2016 (miscarried), had a chemical pregnancy in April 2016, and am 5w6d pregnant today (according to ultrasound last week). I've had slow rising HCG for over a week and I go back in tomorrow at 6w to have it tested again. My levels have been-
(Clearblue digital states 2-3 on 6-10 so levels should have at least been 200.)
6-14, 4w4d, Beta 397
6-17, 5w, Beta 486
6-20, 5w3d, Beta 610
I begged my doctor to test my progesterone, which was a whopping 7.2. He agreed to start me on progesterone although he doesn't believe it will help. Taking 2 vaginal suppositories (Crinone) per day. Do you have hope my levels will show a greater rise tomorrow? Or should I expect to miscarry again?