All of Thursday night I was waking up every 3 hours to change my underwear, I knew it wasn't my wate...

All of Thursday night I was waking up every 3 hours to change my underwear, I knew it wasn't my water leaking just some heavy discharge. When my husband left for work at nine am Friday morning, I was comfortably sleeping and got up to pee. By the time he was driving out of the drive way I noticed that my back was aching. But I was 40 weeks and 6 days preg & had suffered so many preg symptoms that it didn't affect me all that much. I decided to time the annoying ache (which had then begin to come with menstrual like cramps) & noticed they were 10 min apart. Bc something in the back of my mind told me to, I got into the bath, but they continued consistently. I figured I was in early labor and was gonna wait it out, but by 10:30 am they had jumped to 6-8 minutes apart. I was still planing on laboring it out at home bc I hadn't had breakfast yet & and knew that first time moms usually labor for at least 12 hrs. I casually texted my mom (she had 7 kids & I figured she'd have great advice)& she freaked out that I was home alone saying that It could always just got very intense very fast and I should prob get to the hospital as early as possible. I called my doc & she said "your prob in early labor come on in". I called my husband (he didn't believe that it was anything and thought I was going into false labor like I had previously done on tues) & he reluctantly drove home. For some reason I had a strange feeling that us mommas get and I got out of bath, into fresh clothes & quickly made the beds and did a load of laundry and made sure everything in the house was clean and neat. I ate ramen noodles bc i wasn't hungry but figured I should eat something (this was a problem I should've eaten something more substantial I was starving the rest of the day). We had a doc appt Thursday and I was 2cm and 70% effaced but when I got to hospital I was already at a 4 and 100% effaced so I was in labor! It was 12:45 pm. Things started taking off, I got an epidural at 5 cm and was in great spirits and vey comfortable. But I was having back labor. By 8:45 I was 10 cm and ready to push. But something odd happened. The epidural stopped working for me. It was the worst pain I'd ever felt . I pushed for 1 and a half hours and at 10:08 pm when I was about to give up my baby girl was born. We're so in love !! I was definitely traumatized by the pain and now the recovery is really taking a toll on me. So worth it for this little nugget 🙈❤️ baby Aria 👶🏼