Our birth story! ☺️

We went to our doctors appointment Wednesday to find out our induction time, we set it for 8 pm that night. Everything was going great, we get there filled out our papers, started a IV and got some gel inserted in my cervix. (I was only dilated to a 1, soft and still high.) About 30 minutes into my induction I started to get some uncomfortable contractions, they wasn't to bad, then they intensified about a hour in! The nurse checked me and said you went from a 1 to a 4in no time, the nurse left the room only to come back 15 minutes later seeing me with tears rolling down my face, I was in SO much pain that I couldn't take it any longer! My doctor came in to check on me and said well that wasn't supposed to happen, you was only suppose to soften and dilate with the gel not contract every 30 seconds to a minute! My doctor then checked me and said she is only a 2 not a 4 like you thought, go ahead and give her a epidural because we won't have baby until noon tomorrow. The nurse gives me a shot in my arm to slow my contractions down until I got my epidural. 😳 There we was waiting for the anesthesiologist for about a hour, he comes in and preps me. When he stuck the first numbing needle in my back I jumped and arched my back so far I for sure thought I was going to mess my back up! Finally I have some relief and can get some much needed rest, or at least I thought I could! My doctor came in sometime in the middle of the night/morning I wanna say about 4-5 am to break my water, as soon as he broke my water I gushed blood! First he said this is bloody show and from a irratated cervix, he quickly changed his mind when they had to change my bed pad 4-5 times because it filled with so much blood. I started to shake, teeth chattering and was super cold! We waited for a while but was very closely monitored, I kept bleeding and was having big blood clots. They still wasn't 100% sure where this bleeding was coming from, I was put on oxygen and was informed we would possibly need a csection if my bleeding didn't stop or slow down. Baby was great looking on the monitor and I was great too other than having a few blood pressure drops. Over time my bleeding slows down, great right? Nope because I get checked and the bleeding starts up once again! I was put on a strict no cervical check list unless it was the doctor! Somewhere I between all of that craziness they put a internal monitor on the baby's head and the membranes to watch contractions better! Here it is 12 hours after having my water broke he said I'll give it more time since you made progress, I was at a 5 finally, cervix was 80% effaced and baby was -1 position! They eventually came in and said baby needs more fluids so we are flushing him fluids through the internal monitor/catheter! As if that wasn't scary enough, my epidural started to wear off, I could lift and move my legs and could feel them draining my bladder with a straight cath, I said I'm starting to have feelings again, I can feel tightness in my belly with each contraction. The nurse said that's okay we want some tightness feeling. After a while I could totally feel every painful contraction and very painful pressure, I said I feel like I need to push! The nurse called the doctor to get permission to be checked I was finally a 7, 80% and still -1 position! Not even 10 minutes later I scream get Dr. Miller in here now i have to push, my baby is coming and he is coming now! 😱 The nurse said honey I just checked you 10 minutes ago and you was at a 7 I doubt there is any change so soon! Little did she know it was really time to push! My doctor got there 10 minutes later checked and said Brittney on this next contraction push as hard as you can! I said no way I want to wait for my epidural to kick back in! I started to push 3 big pushes and I could feel baby was almost there, the doctor said give me three more pushes, STOP let me get ready, break this bed down now! Okay everyone is completely ready and I have a head half way out of my pelvis! Ouch! 3 more pushes and he was finally out! I ended up with a minor tear close to my clitoris that needed one stitch! When my placenta came out the finally figured out my placenta was detaching and caused all my bleeding! I was giving a shot and more potocin to slow everything down. Our handsome little guy was born June 23, 2016 at 10:02 pm (NBA draft day!) weighing 7 pounds 12 ounces 20 inches long! Original due date was July 3rd. I was induced for high blood pressure and a few other problems! Meet our little guy Demonse Keith Malone Jr ( De-mon-za) with Big sister December! ☺️