A big old fat rant


Right ladies I can't post this on Facebook or anything like that for obvious reasons.

Anyway here goes! My partners sister is pregnant,she's around 16 weeks. She pretty much got pregnant after deciding to try even though she had only been with her fella 4 months. I was pretty bitter as me and my partner had been trying for 6 months at that time. Anyway I got over it and got excited for her. She was happy and thought he was gods gift!

But last week they split up and now she's having a termination. She also came to see us Saturday and was pissed as a fart even though she's still pregnant.

I just don't know how to act towards her. I mean I'm so frustrated at not getting pregnant and she can but picks and chooses to get rid of it.

I posted this just to see how everyone else reacts or if I'm just taking things the wrong way.