Month 8 of TTC

My husband and I have been TTC since October '15 when I went off BC I had the implant out in May '15 and then was on the Nuva ring till October. Well from October - February '16 I didn't get a period. So my doctor had me take progesterone and I got my period and we conceived! But then sadly at the end of March I lost the baby. So April and May come and no period the doctor has me take progesterone again and I got my period may 25 well now over a month later no period and no positive test. I was supposed to have an appointment in July to go over possible test we could do and they called and moved my appointment till the end of August. Now keep in mind I already travel almost an hour to get to this doctors office because they are supposed to be the best and there are multiple doctors at this practice. Am I being too sensitive and over reacting? Or am I wrong to think they don't care about my health?