I have a heart-breaking (happy) story to tell!

Jordan • Mommy to 12 👧🏼👼🏻👼🏻🧒🏼🧒🏼👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻🤰🏻 5 chemicals, 3 miscarriages, 2 twin boys, and 1 bonus daughter (and now 1 more baby on the way)! Wife of my wife 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Any of you that know me, knows that I have the sweetest little two-year-old step-daughter. She's the light of my life and makes me soooo happy. 
Like many of you mothers know, parenting can be hard. I laid down with her last night and tried to get her to go to bed. 
For three hours. 
It got to be one o'clock in the morning and I became so frustrated. I picked her up and took her into the living room where her dad was waiting (she can only fall asleep with one person for some reason). 
I get in there, hand her to him and start crying because I'm so frustrated (and because we're TTC and I keep being worried that I may not be the best mom). She gets all worried and runs to me and looks at me dead in the eyes and says, "Mommy. I wuv you."
I of course start SOBBING while my SO is looking at me in disbelief. "She's never told ANYONE that she loves them. I tell you what, I'm jealous."
I've been so happy ever since. I love this baby more than I ever thought I could.