12 weeker moms!

Caitlin • Mama x3 💕 Expecting our 🌈 07/2022
My little guy will be 12 weeks on Thursday. He has always been a good sleeper since the day we brought him home. He doesn't sleep through the night be he would go down between 8-9, then wake around 12-1 & 3-4 to eat. He would eat then go right back down. HOWEVER for the past week he has had such a hard time sleeping! He wakes up about every hour and needs a lot of help going back to sleep. He just wants to be held and will sleep for hours in our arms if we let him. Anyone else going though this? Could it be due to a growth spurt? We have transitioned him from a swaddle bc he kept himself up fighting it and was constantly getting his arms out but he sleeps in a zippidee zip and was doing fine in it so I don't think that's the problem. Just looking for any thought or ideas! Thanks!