Depressed... Please help

I have struggled throughout my pregnancy with the normal mood swings. At times they got pretty intense but overall pretty normal I think. I am 35 weeks and these past few weeks have been miserable. I quit my job at about 25 weeks for multiple reasons not just pregnancy. Now I am bored but also completely unmotivated to do anything. I don't work out, I eat unhealthy, and I mostly sleep all day. I can't pull myself out of this. I cry all the time because I feel lonely and USELESS. When I first started feeling like this I thought it was just something I needed to get through but now it has become a state of normal for me. I'm sick of being sad all the time and feeling unmotivated to do anything. I feel unhealthy and I can't snap out of it. I don't have much of a relationship with my work friends anymore and I've lost touch with most of my other friends. Is anyone feeling like this? Any advice to help me snap out of it? Please help. I don't want to still feel like this when the baby gets here.